Tuesday, May 20, 2008

sweet little tweet...our mother's day visitor...

our trip to the farmer's market was a bit more than we had bargained for, but it taught us a few lessons:

1 - if you find a baby bird, try to put it back in its nest. it is a wives tale that the mother will smell a human scent and discard the baby. 2 - a call to the raptor center and a rehabilitation specialist is imperitive (they always want to help). 3 - don't feed the bird anything, despite their little chirps of hunger. 4 - keep it in a butter tub or something similar, pad it with toilet paper and place it on a heating pad on a low setting. 5 - hope that the little buddy will make it through the night until rescue rehabilitation bird experts can recover it from you.

tweet didn't make it through the night and is now in a birdie grave in our back yard. poor thing. he was so sweet. the next time someone at the farmer's market finds a bird and tries to pawn it off on a kid by claiming that said child can become a hero for rescuing the bird - at least we'll know what to do. we'll also know that the unfortunate reality for even well cared for wild birds is a mortality rate of 50%.


Amy O'Neill said...

Poor little tweet! I remember we found a baby bird when I was young and it died too. It is so sad when you are little!! Good to know that you can just put them back in their nest... I didn't know that.

Wall family said...

Britt sounds so heartbroken. I wish there had been a better ending for tweet.