Tuesday, November 2, 2010

diseases pondered by the diseased...

this amazing young woman was a ferocious warrior. she was a visionary. she was diseased. cystic fibrosis. it's like the crohn's of the lungs. i'm reading every word she wrote, and i'm learning something or many somethings along the way. it's inspiring and sadly relatable in many ways. chronic illness bears unforgiving and familiar traits. i can't believe she is gone. i'm thankful that her words are still here and i hope that they always will be. i would say that everyone should read this, but i'm not sure everyone will feel what i feel so i'll just suggest that there is a lot to be understood about the focal point of a young woman slowly losing her life yet trying desperately to put on a smile and dig her nails into each and every day.

i'm on the 65 red roses journey. will you join me?


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